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Stephanie Neuhalfen Eyman Co-worker November 11, 2009
I worked with Mary while she was at OSF St. Clare Home.   She was a very loving person and had this amazing personality!  She was so bubbly and loved to joke around.   She opened her heart to many around her and loved to listen to others that were in need of a shoulder!   She loved her family and talked about her sons all the time.   When she left St. Clare home, we lost contact but I have always thought about her and hoped she was doing well.  I am truely sorry to hear about your loss from the bottom of my heart.   This world lost an amazing woman when Mary passed.   You are all in my thoughts! 
Rick Picl Old Classmate November 8, 2009
WOW - just found out Mary had passed away today in church.  I am so sorry to hear.  My prayers and thoughts are with you and your family Louie, in this time of loss an sorrow.
Lisa Kounse Friend November 7, 2009

Mary and I went to high school together. She will always be a beautiful person. I know everyone will miss her and I pray the happy memories will help carry you thru the bad days. Prayers for all of you.


Lori "Croftie" Collins Friend November 7, 2009
So very sorry to hear about Mary's passing.  She was one of my very best friends in high school.  I have thought of her often over the years.  Regretting the fact that we lost touch.  She was a joy to be around.  Always laughing and making others laugh.  My heart goes out to her entire family.  You are all in my thoughts and prayers.  I hope you find solace in knowing that she is with the angels, and smiling down upon us all.  God bless all of you in your time of grief.
Jesse & Torree Matthews Friend November 7, 2009
Joy & Kevin Walsh Friends of the family November 6, 2009

To Mrs. Backes, John and Family, We were deeply saddened to read in the paper about Mary's passing.  Please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers.

Russ & Tammi Waldron Friends November 6, 2009
We are so sorry for your loss.She loved her family so much. I will miss my friend,but will have great memories of our times and laughter. If you need us for anything!!! please let us know
Mindy (Ginz) Schaefer Classmate November 6, 2009
I'm so sorry for your loss.  I was a classmate of Mary's at Gardener Grade School & PHHS. I saw her at our Class Reunion & didnt recognize her but she recognized me.  We laughed & caught up on life but I never expected this.  Just know that you are in my prayers & thoughts.
monica parker co worker November 6, 2009

i worked with mary she was always happy and full of bubbles sorry for your lost your family is in my thoughs and prays


Angel Eppy & Family Friend of Family November 6, 2009

Jeremy, We are so sorry for your loss. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

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